
Embracing Change: Exciting Updates on the Dragonborn Series! October has

October has truly been a month of surprises for me, and I have news for my fans of the Dragonborn series. Many of you have asked about it since it moved to a new publisher. I’m thrilled to announce that the title has changed! I can’t wait to reveal it to you all—I absolutely love it! I’ll share more details soon.

In the meantime, this change has set my goals on a new, invigorating track. While setting goals is crucial, staying flexible and adapting to the unexpected is equally important. This...

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Understanding Your Target Audience: A Key to Successful Book Marketing

Writing and all that it requires is an evolutionary process for me. When it comes to marketing my books, I've learned that one of the most crucial steps is identifying and understanding your target audience. While it’s tempting to wish that everyone would want to read my work, the reality is that focusing my efforts on a specific group leads to far more effective marketing strategies. Here’s why knowing my audience matters, especially for authors of wholesome narratives like mine, which...

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Embracing the Journey: The First Reviews of Beyond the Fifth Gate I’m

I’m excited to share that the first reviews of Beyond the Fifth Gate are rolling in! As an author, this moment is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. No matter how many stories I write, that little voice of self-doubt never quite goes away. It whispers reminders that not every book will resonate with every reader, and that’s a reality I’ve come to accept. Yet, I also know I have a dedicated audience who enjoys my work, and that thought brings me comfort.

Seeing the initial reactions has been...

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The Importance of Setting Goals I juggle multiple writing projects at

I juggle multiple writing projects at various stages simultaneously. At the start of each year, I set annual goals, which I then break down into monthly and weekly targets.

Goals need to be specific and attainable. When I first began tracking my writing objectives, I aimed to have a short story published. I quickly realized I had no control over the publication process, so I revised my goal to “submit a short story for publication once a month.”

These lessons in the writer’s life are ongoing...

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Reflections on Helene As the winds of Hurricane Helene swept through the

As the winds of Hurricane Helene swept through the southeast, I found myself reflecting on how fortunate we were here in my town. Yes, we experienced some flooded roads and a few minor inconveniences, but compared to the devastation faced by so many of my friends and family in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, we got off easy.

It’s hard to watch the news and see the aftermath of the storm in those states. Homes destroyed, lives uprooted, and communities left reeling from the impact of such...

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