Defeating the Mental Monsters: A Writer’s Strategy for Conquering Distractions
This is one of those days where my thoughts feel scattered. I have a loved one going through some major health issues, I need to write the epilogue to the Historical Romance I’m writing, I need to finish going through Sages of Tachnir (Dragons Oath Book 3) and get it submitted, and there's the promo waiting on me. And, of course, there are everyday things like laundry beckoning to me. Several factors can cause a writer's thoughts to feel scattered. These can stem from internal and external sources and often vary from day to day. At times, they can feel like looming monsters making me want to go get a cup of coffee and a good book and escape. Sometimes I can do that, but often it is not an option.
I thought taking a break and naming these monsters would be fun. Once they have a name (identified) they can be conquered:
g93dc1l33wabfc1kgb6ewovcf60d1.1 MB1. Idea Hydra
Description: Like the multi-headed Hydra of mythology, this monster represents the flood of ideas constantly sprouting up, making it impossible to focus on just one. Every time you try to handle one thought, two more appear, leading to overwhelming chaos.
Manifestation: You try to tackle one thought, and suddenly better ones cross your mind accompanied by conflicting ideas. They multiply as fast as you can cut them down.
When the Idea Hydra rears its many heads, I choose one task to focus on (purposely). I keep a notebook handy or open a digital document in my “ideas” folder” and jot the invading thoughts there so they don’t distract me from what I’m currently working on. You can brainstorm those saved thoughts in the ideas folder later. This helps reduce the mental chaos.
2. Doubt Demon
Description: A creature that feeds on your insecurities and makes you question every word you write. It constantly whispers "This isn't good enough" or "You're not a real writer," creating a cloud of uncertainty that blocks clarity and hinders progress.
Manifestation: The more you try to write, the louder the whispers become, paralyzing you with fear and indecision.
I combat the Doubt Demon by reminding myself of past successes and how far I’ve come. I remind myself that I don’t need to be perfect and to keep going. When I’m feeling particularly overwhelmed, reaching out to a trusted writer friend boosts my confidence.
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3. Perfectionist Phantom
Description: A ghostly creature that haunts your thoughts, urging you to get every detail "just right" before you can move forward. It creates a maddening cycle where you're never satisfied, and everything feels incomplete.
Manifestation: It stands over your shoulder, constantly revising your words before you’ve even finished a sentence, leaving you stuck in an endless loop of minor adjustments and with an incomplete project.
The Perfectionist Phantom thrives on self-criticism. I can be a pro at this. It’s one of the reasons I set mini-goals for my writing process, like completing a draft before editing. The initial focus should be getting words on the page, knowing I can refine them later.
4. Overload Gorgon
Description: A creature whose gaze turns your thoughts into stone, freezing your ability to move forward. The gorgon feeds on a cluttered mind and paralyzes creativity, making it impossible to prioritize or make sense of what you’re working on.
Manifestation: Every time you look at your growing list of ideas or tasks, you feel frozen, unable to take the first step toward progress.
To defeat the Overload Gorgon, you have to have a plan. With so much to get accomplished, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The night before, I prioritize my to-do list so I know the starting point the following morning. I’m not talking about a to-do list as long as your arm. I mean a prioritized list of tasks based on urgency (deadlines) and importance and with the big picture of the finish line in view. I break down large projects into smaller, manageable steps. When I focus on one thing at a time, my thoughts begin to flow more freely.
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5. Idea Kraken
Description: A gigantic, tentacled beast that pulls your attention in every direction, wrapping its limbs around your thoughts and dragging you into a sea of distractions. The Kraken drowns you in competing ideas making it impossible to surface and focus.
Manifestation: As soon as you start focusing on one idea, another tentacle grabs hold and pulls you into another direction, overwhelming you with the weight of too many concepts.
The Kraken is the monster that tries to drag me into a sea of distractions. To help with this, I set times for my work sessions, with 10 minutes to get up move around, and do other things each hour. (This helps me get my steps in too).
6. Clutter Chimera
Description: A multi-headed beast consisting of various disconnected thoughts, half-formed concepts, and fragments of ideas. It grows larger the more you try to tame it, and every time you think you’ve solved one part, a new head emerges, each representing a new distraction or incomplete thought.
Manifestation: You juggle multiple incomplete projects or ideas, each part pulling you away from your primary focus, leaving you with a patchwork of unresolved thoughts.
I am an admitted panster (A term most commonly applied to fiction writers, especially novelists, who write their stories "by the seat of their pants.”) As much as I find that fun, bringing the writing of a novel to completion means I have to manage the Clutter Chimera or I could keep writing a tangle of great ideas that don’t quite come together with a beginning, middle, and end. While I don’t outline formally, I do use a shorthand outline to remind me of the dots that need to be connected.
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7. Turbid Troll
Description: This monster lives under bridges built from your thoughts and ideas, feeding on confusion and misdirection. It thrives on the chaos in your mind, making it difficult to see the path ahead clearly; keeping you stuck and wandering in circles.
Manifestation: As you try to work, the troll obstructs your thinking, preventing you from seeing a clear path forward, and forcing you to double back and rethink everything.
Whenever the Turbid Troll appears, it’s time to simplify. This is why I set goals every Monday to remind myself what needs to be accomplished. Breaking my work into smaller, achievable steps, helps me resist the urge to overthink.
8. The Insecurity Imp
Description: A small but annoying creature that sits on your shoulder, constantly whispering self-doubt. While it might seem harmless at first it amplifies every fear, turning minor insecurities into major roadblocks, creating unnecessary confusion and hesitation.
Manifestation: It mocks your progress, feeding on your hesitation and turning small challenges into unmanageable problems.
This is one of my biggies. I’ve learned to acknowledge the Insecurity Imp, but I don’t let it have the last word. Doubt is a normal part of the creative process—I don’t let it stop me from moving forward. However, sometimes I switch to another project to work beyond the insecurity and then go back and get the job done.
9. Perpetual Cyclops
Description: This one-eyed beast represents the cycle of perpetual thinking and over-analysis. It endlessly stares at everything through a singular lens, unable to look beyond the moment, and fixates on small details without seeing the bigger picture.
Manifestation: Every time you try to take a step back and look at the overall picture, this Cyclops forces you to zoom in on small, irrelevant details, making it impossible to move forward.
The Perpetual Cyclops’ obsessive focus on minutiae can be paralyzing. To break free of it, I periodically step back to look at the bigger picture. I often do this by going for a walk to clear my thoughts and time to mull. Another helpful trick is to set aside time for brainstorming or outlining (again not a formal outline) to help me see how the small details fit into the larger context.
10. The Fog Fiend
Description: A murky, shadowy creature that envelops your mind in a thick fog, obscuring your thoughts and blurring your focus. The Fog Fiend makes everything seem unclear and distant, causing confusion and indecision as if you're groping through your writing in the dark.
Manifestation: You can’t see your goals or next steps clearly, feeling lost in a haze of uncertainty.
To clear the fog caused by the Fog Fiend, I meditate at the start of the day, and I take those short breaks throughout the day to reset my mind and help me accomplish other things. Stepping away for a few minutes to get some fresh air or meditate can provide clarity and help me see the next step with fresh eyes.
I hope you found this little monster hunt both helpful in organizing your thoughts and inspiring, in your writing journey. Mental overload is a challenge many of us face, but by naming and understanding the monsters that haunt our minds, we can take control and defeat them one step at a time. Whether it's the clutches of the Idea Hydra, the whispers of the Doubt Demon, or the fog of the Fog Fiend, recognizing these distractions is the first step in conquering them.
Remember, you're not alone in feeling scattered or overwhelmed. Every writer faces these same monsters, and it's okay to take a break, breathe, and return to the task at hand when you're ready. So next time you find yourself battling these creatures, armed with the knowledge of their names and manifestations, you'll be better prepared to slay them and move forward, with confidence. For now, I'm off to vanquish the Perpetual Cyclops.
Now, grab that cup of coffee, find your favorite book (or get back to writing!), and let’s take on these monsters one chapter at a time.